Redeemed – Entry #2 of 4

I will take a look at the following lines in this 2nd entry for Redeemed:

Then You look at this prisoner and say to me “son
Stop fighting a fight that’s already been won”
I am redeemed, You set me free
So I’ll shake off these heavy chains
And wipe away every stain now I’m not who I used to be
I am redeemed
I’m redeemed

So, as we fight through our shackles and battles to get away from the dark cloud and imprisonment that seems to hang over us, we seem to dwell on the past mistakes we made and how we could have done things differently; we fight these battles and memories day after day. Jesus offers us encouragement. The song says he reaches out to us, he doesn’t wait for us to reach out to him. He reaches out to us as being his children, in this case the writer references son merely because the writer is a male.

Jesus is aware of the shackles we have and the history behind each one. He sees us fight the battles every day and expend so much effort to try and get free of our bondage. Our Savior reminds us that he has already fought the battle for us and that as he died on the cross, all of our sins had been forgiven and that we would have eternal life with him. Jesus knew we were not strong enough to fight temptation and fight Satan, so he fought that fight for us by dying on the cross and taking away all of our sins forever. He is telling us that he has prepared our eternal home and we just need to accept him in our hearts and rely on him via the Holy Spirit to guide us in every step we take. We need to keep our focus on the future he holds for us instead of the present and past that are weighing us down.

Through Him, we are redeemed, we are saved from the bondage of sin. Jesus paid the price for our sins in exchange for our freedom, this is what being redeemed is all about. Moses, via God, freed the Israelites from physical bondage in Egypt. He and the Israelites incurred the wrath of Pharaoh, but in the end their physical bondage went away. Only Christ can free us from our self-imposed shackles.

Because of this redemption, we can shake off these heavy burdensome shackles. These shackles carry immeasurable weight, yet we are now able to not just take off the burden; we are able to shake it off. Along with the removal of these bonds, Jesus wipes away after dark spot and every deep dark recess from us and basically allows us to start anew. Every stain on our soul has been removed and, in his eyes, we are perfect since we no longer have the sin we carried. We are no longer who we used to be. Will we sin again? Absolutely. Will we have dark days? Yes we will. The difference is that we have someone we can reach out to in order to provide comfort. We have a future that no one can take away from us. We know the day is coming when we will know only pure happiness, we now have help along our journey. We are redeemed when we accept Christ.

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