Go Light Your World

The next entry for my Blog is Go Light Your World, which was written by ‎Chris Rice and first recorded by Kathy Troccoli in 1995. A link to Kathy Troccoli performing the song is at the bottom of the Blog.

Go Light Your World

There is a candle in every soul
Some brightly burning, some dark and cold
There is a Spirit who brings fire
Ignites a candle and makes His home

Carry your candle, run to the darkness
Seek out the hopeless, confused and torn
Hold out your candle for all to see it
Take your candle, and go light your world
Take your candle, and go light your world

Frustrated brother, see how he’s tried to
Light his own candle some other way
See now your sister, she’s been robbed and lied to
Still holds a candle without a flame

Carry your candle, run to the darkness
Seek out the lonely, the tired and worn
Hold out your candle for all to see it
Take your candle, and go light your world
Take your candle, and go light your world

We are a family whose hearts are blazing
So let’s raise our candles and light up the sky
Praying to our Father, in the name of Jesus
Make us a beacon in darkest times

Carry your candle, run to the darkness
Seek out the helpless, deceived and poor
Hold out your candle for all to see it
Take your candle, and go light your world

Carry your candle, run to the darkness
Seek out the hopeless, confused and torn
Hold out your candle for all to see it
Take your candle, and go light your world
Take your candle, and go light your world

I think this song delivers a very powerful and clear message, and I wanted to add it to my Blog entries since I had never taken the time to really listen to the song and pay close attention to the lyrics, until now. Yes, I could sing along with the chorus, but didn’t let the meaning of the song sink into my heart. We all have a candle inside of us, as a Christian I believe this to be the Holy Spirt that Christ left with us as he returned home after rising from the grave. Those who have not received Christ do not have the promise of eternal life nor the Holy Spirit, but that can be fixed quickly! If we have not accepted Christ, our candle is dark and just waiting for the spark that salvation brings. We may have accepted Christ, but our candle could be just a slight flicker, or it may be generating as much light as it possible can. If we are letting the Holy Spirit work as it should, we always have that bright candle light that can penetrate the deepest darkness.

So, I have a candle, what’s next? Our mission is to seek the darkness and bring the light. This darkness refers to the darkness of this world, the people who have never accepted Christ. These people may be rich, they may be homeless, they may feel hopeless, and some of them don’t even know they are in the dark. These people are unaware that there is a light that can lead them to eternal life. Our job is to bring our light, our candle, our love for Christ to everyone who does not have this light burning in their soul. No matter what darkness we are facing, we have the light to penetrate that darkness, and the arms of Christ to protect us.

Many people have tried to get out of the darkness on their own, but have merely failed over and over again. They begin to believe they are a perpetual failure and almost settle into a life of deeper darkness and hopelessness. There are also those who have put their faith and hope in others, only to be let down, disappointed, and frustrated with their life. These are all people who perhaps have a candle, but they can never figure out how to light their candle no matter what they try. These are people who need that light which only comes from us who have the light of salvation burning in our souls. No matter their situation, no matter how long they have been without hope, our candle can bring them the light of hope today and an eternal home of light.

Maybe we think we have a bright candle and maybe we are surrounded by family and friends who may have seemingly bright candles as well; if so, we know we will all be together for eternity. What about those who need the light we have? What have you done to share your light with others? I believe too many of us, and too many of our churches, do not work hard enough to share this bright and burning light with others. If we are not sharing, maybe we only have a small flicker of light since we are not taking the effort to share our light with others. If this is the case, then we are disappointing our heavenly father since he would love to have all of his creation in eternity with him. Yes, I know that everyone will not accept the light from our candle, but if we don’t try to share, how do we know who will accept and reject?

Note that the song says to hold out your candle so ALL can see it, it doesn’t give us a restriction. Matthew 5:14-15 talks about the light, “You are the light of the world—like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden. No one lights a lamp and then puts it under a basket. Instead, a lamp is placed on a stand, where it gives light to everyone in the house.” I believe the house that is referenced in this verse refers to where ever we are, not just the home we live in.

What kind of candle do you have and when was the last time you raised your candle for all of the world to see?

Click to Hear Kathy Troccoli Sing Go Light Your World

Mighty to Save

The next entry for my Blog is Mighty to Save, which was written by Benjamin Fielding and Reuben Morgan. The song was initially released in 2006. A link to Hillsong performing the song is at the bottom of the Blog.

Mighty to Save

Well, everyone needs compassion
A love that’s never failing
But let mercy fall on me
Well everyone needs forgiveness
The kindness of a Savior
The hope of nations

My Savior
He can move the mountains
My God is Mighty to save
He is Mighty to save
Author of salvation
He rose and conquered the grave
Jesus conquered the grave

So take me as You find me
All my fears and failures
And fill my life again
I give my life to follow
Everything I believe in
And now I surrender


Shine your light and let the whole world see
We’re singing for the glory of the risen King
Shine your light and let the whole world see
We’re singing for the glory of the risen King


Shine your light and let the whole world see
We’re singing for the glory of the risen King


Are there some people who perhaps need sympathy and compassion and you want no part of it? I am thinking about the people whom we might consider to be wicked or maybe just down right mean. What about the people who are struggling who injured you at some point either physically or emotionally? I believe we know these people need compassion, but we are unwilling to meet this need because of who they are or what they have done. The truth is that everyone, regardless of what they have done, deserves compassion and love. They need someone who really wants them to become a better person, someone who wants them to be healed; they need someone who will forgive them for all they have done. As I think about some people and their actions, I find it extremely challenging to ever forgive them or help to improve their lives. Have you ever felt this way?

What if Jesus had felt this way? What if he said that you had contributed to ruining someone’s life by your actions, your words, your lack of forgiveness, or your lack of love? If Jesus felt this way about the hearts and minds of people, do you think he would have ever come to earth? He did come and he showed kindness to all and he gave everyone hope. People could tell that he cared about them as he taught them, as he healed them, and as he forgave them. They could tell he did not hold a grudge or harbor resentment against anyone. He came to be our Savior and to provide that love and compassion for everyone, to give everyone hope and love.

He is the only one who can overcome every barrier from the mountains to the seas. He came to save all who would accept him as their Lord and Savior, and no one could stop him from executing his plan and his directive from the father. The name Jesus is synonymous with salvation, he alone can offer salvation to all. He carries the might of God and was strong enough to conquer the grave as well as any obstacle thrown in his way by the evils of this world. Zephaniah 3:17 reminds us of the power of our God, “For the LORD your God is living among you. He is a mighty savior. He will take delight in you with gladness. With his love, he will calm all your fears. He will rejoice over you with joyful songs.”

The best news is that he takes us just as we are at this moment in time. He doesn’t care about our past, our failures, or our imperfections. He never gave up on us and never will; he is here to breathe hope into our lives every single day; no matter how many times we fail him. He is here so we can feel love at all times and know we are never alone. All we need to do is surrender our lives to him to gain this eternal love, peace, and hope. As a result of accepting Christ as our savior, we should feel his love deep inside of us, and we should be sharing his love with others. Those around us should see his light shining through us. The world should see that we are different by our actions, our words, and our compassion and love for others. Our desire should be to have his love in our hearts and his word on our lips as we share his message and sing songs of praise.

Jesus is the light of the world and he expects, no commands us to share his unconditional love with others; just as he shared his love for us and died for us. Matthew 5:14 reminds us of our responsibility as Christians, “You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden.”

Is there someone you know who needs that message, that love, and that forgiveness? Who is going to share this with them if not you? I don’t think this is an easy task for any of us; but neither was dying on a cross in the midst of people who hated you.

Click to Hear Hillsong Perform Mighty to Save.