How Long Has It Been

The next entry for my Blog is How Long Has it Been.  It was written by Mosie Lister and was first released in 1956.  A link to Jim Reeves singing the song is at the bottom of the Blog.

How long has it been since you talked with the Lord
And told him your heart’s hid in secrets?
How long since you prayed?
How long since you stayed on your knees till the light shone through?

How long has it been since your mind felt at ease?
How long since your heart knew no burden?
Can you call him your friend?
How long has it been since you knew that he cared for you?

How long has it been since you knelt by your bed
And prayed to the Lord up in heaven?
How long since you knew that he’d answer you
And would keep you the long night through?

How long has it been since you woke with the dawn
And felt this day is worth living?
Can you call him your friend?
How long has it been since you knew that he cared for you?..

This is a song that came to me a short time ago and it delivers such a powerful message.  You may have never heard it before since it is an older song and you may not have seen or heard the lyrics, but it is such a great reminder for each of us who believes in a loving and powerful God.

I am sure that most of us probably have very engaging lives.  We may be busy with jobs, family, friends, sports, neighborhood activities, and just life in general.  The net is that at the end of the day, we are just ready to find that special spot in our homes and relax with those who are special in our lives.  Maybe you make it to church occasionally, maybe you read your bible as time permits, and you probably say a few prayers along the way to help you through the challenges of life.  This song has one simple question, “how long has it been” since you talked to the Lord, the most important being in your life?

For those of you who worship God, how much time do you give him every day?  When was the last time you spoke to God and just poured your heart out to him?  I think probably all of us have friends and family we confide in, but are there some things deep inside that we just really don’t want to talk about even though we would probably feel better if we did.  I have some wonderful friends, but there are some things that I never share with them.  Maybe it is because I am ashamed of something in my past or maybe it is just something I just don’t want to share since I am afraid of what people may think of me.  God is the one being you can turn to who will cast no judgement for what you have done, he will never betray your secret, and he will keep his arms wrapped around you even in your deepest darkest moments of despair.  So many people are concerned about how they talk to God.  The simple answer to this is that you talk to God the same as you would your very best friend.  He is the one person whom you can share everything with and who will cast no judgement upon you.  He is the best listener you could ever hope for and even better, he is always there and available to us. When you talk to God, there is no time limit; he is not on a schedule and is there for you every minute.  As you start talking to God and baring your soul to him, you will be amazed at how long your conversations last.  You will feel his responses in your heart and mind, not with your ears.  Many times, you may have a quick prayer with him, and then there are other times when you fall on your knees and talk to him almost all night.  Our talks can be a combination of praise and thanks, and they can also be personal needs or for the needs of others. When you are at the bed of a loved one who is nearing the end of their days, you may very well pray through the night since God will not interrupt you and he can feel the pain we are feeling.  At the end of a heart felt prayer, you can feel God’s love and almost feel his arms wrapped around you

I believe we all experience times in our lives when we can seemingly find no peace, there is something that is constantly weighing us down.  Do you have those times?  Maybe you have things going on in your life that just drag you down emotionally and ultimately physically as well.  In these times, it is almost as if your burdens get heavier and heavier and you just can’t take the emotional load any longer.  What you really need is to have someone to help offload the burdens and give you some relief.  Did you know that Jesus, the son of God, is that one friend who can bring you true relief?  In the book of Matthew, 11:28-30 he tells us he will carry our burdens for us.  “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”   When you think about friends, what role do they play in your life?  We spend fun time with friends, we share each other’s burdens, and we live life together; but even though we have these wonderful friends, they can never give us the love and peace that Jesus can.  The disciples first started with Jesus as servants and he was their teacher, but in the book of John 15:15, he tells them they are not servants, they are his friends.   “No longer do I call you servants, for the servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all that I have heard from my Father I have made known to you”Take a moment and let that sink in.  Jesus, the son of God, has just called his disciples, his followers; friends. Our friends and family love us and want the best for us, but they can never love us as much as Jesus.  When you take the time to pray, talk to Jesus as your very best friend, he is always there to listen and to guide.  He is the friend above all friends and he alone knows your deepest hurts and needs.  He is always there for you.  I know it is different sitting with friends who you can see and touch, but Jesus touches and heals you from the inside.

I can remember seeing books with prayers in them and so many times the front of the book had a picture of someone on their knees praying.  It is absolutely true that you can pray anywhere and anytime and God hears our prayers, but there just seems to be something special about being on our knees when we pray.  Personally, I think it is a way to symbolize our complete devotion to him.  When was the last time you were on your knees in prayer?  If you have been on your knees in prayer before, think about what caused you to get into this position of absolute submission.  Maybe this is a way to help you feel closer to God.  Maybe you were in a room praying by yourself with no distractions around and you began to feel the love of God coming across your heart and soul as you feel his touch while he listens to you. It is in these quiet still moments when we can bare our souls to God, knowing that he answers all prayers in his time.  When we rise from our knees, feel a burden that has either been lifted or is now shared and that we are not alone.  Please know that I understand that everyone can’ get on their knees, the main message is to humble yourself before God.

As you experience these deep times of prayer and conversation with our God, time can pass very quickly.  When you finally stop your prayer and sharing time with him, you may see those first rays of sunlight starting to peek above the horizon.  Your one-on-one prayer time should become something you look forward to everyday.  Of course, you can pray any time and any day, but the dedicated time is so special.  Take some time now and think about how often you pray to God for help, how often you pray and give him thanks.  Every day with God is a day worth living.

How long has it been…..

  Click to Hear Jim Reeves Sing How Long Has it Been

Truth be Told

The next entry for my Truth be Told, which was written by Matthew West and Andrew Pruis.  It was first released October 18, 2019.  A link to Matthew West singing the song is at the bottom of the Blog.

Lie number one you’re supposed to have it all together
And when they ask how you’re doing
Just smile and tell them, “Never better”

Lie number 2 everybody’s life is perfect except yours
So keep your messes and your wounds
And your secrets safe with you behind closed doors

Truth be told
The truth is rarely told, now

I say I’m fine, yeah I’m fine oh I’m fine, hey I’m fine but I’m not
I’m broken
And when it’s out of control I say it’s under control but it’s not
And you know it
I don’t know why it’s so hard to admit it
When being honest is the only way to fix it
There’s no failure, no fall
There’s no sin you don’t already know
So let the truth be told

There’s a sign on the door, says, “Come as you are” but I doubt it
‘Cause if we lived like it was true, every Sunday morning pew would be crowded
But didn’t you say the church should look more like a hospital
A safe place for the sick, the sinner and the scarred and the prodigals
Like me

Well truth be told
The truth is rarely told
Oh am I the only one who says

I’m fine, yeah I’m fine oh I’m fine, hey I’m fine but I’m not
I’m broken
And when it’s out of control I say it’s under control but it’s not
And you know it
I don’t know why it’s so hard to admit it
When being honest is the only way to fix it
There’s no failure, no fall
There’s no sin you don’t already know
So let the truth be told

Can I really stand here unashamed
Knowin’ that you love for me won’t change?
Oh God if that’s really true
Then let the truth be told

I say I’m fine, yeah I’m fine oh I’m fine, hey I’m fine but I’m not
I’m broken
And when it’s out of control I say it’s under control but it’s not
And you know it
I don’t know why it’s so hard to admit it
When being honest is the only way to fix it
There’s no failure, no fall
There’s no sin you don’t already know
Yeah I know

There’s no failure, no fall
There’s no sin you don’t already know
So let the truth be told

This is a very thought-provoking song.  It directly challenges the honesty of each of us.  I think most of us are likely to get offended when someone tells us we are not being honest, but in this case; I believe the writers are telling the truth about all of us.  When someone asks you how you are doing today, what is your typical answer?  Maybe we say I am fine, life is wonderful, never been better, and these types of responses seem never-ending.  Why are we so reluctant to be completely honest with everyone?  I know there is a litany of reasons, but I think the main reason is we just really don’t want to talk about it.  We believe our problems are our problems and no one else needs to know about them.  We basically put on our false façade and go on with our lives.

We are also of the opinion that everyone else’s life seems to be perfect, at least the piece of their lives that we see.   Our view is that they don’t need to know what we are going through.  Why do we take this approach?  Maybe deep inside we are envious that their lives seem so perfect and we believe our lives are a mess when compared to theirs.  So, once again we put up our façade and life goes on.  We many times struggle to tell the truth to our friends and our family, even though they are perhaps the people who can help us the most.  As I listened to the words of this song, it was a very sobering moment for me.  I understand not wanting to share every intimate detail of our lives and also believing that my issues are my own and no one else’s business, but this mentality only hurts us more.   Friends are actually our family in so many ways and they are the ones who are willing to listen to us, help us when they can, and not be judgmental.  If your friends can’t meet these qualities, perhaps you need to evaluate the people in your life that you call friends.  These are the people who love you and are not there to judge you, but are there to lift you up whenever you fall.  I can understand that opening your heart and soul to true friends is a real challenge, it requires us to let our guard down in order to share our hurts.  It requires us to let things go and realize that our friends are there to help us carry our burdens and give us the love and support we need.

With all of the comfort that our friends can offer, they still come short of giving the true inner peace that only God can provide.  He is really the first place we should turn.  It is great to have friends we can talk to who know us and care about us, but the true inner peace we are looking for can only come from God.  He is the only one who truly knows our heart and our soul and is perhaps the only one who casts no judgement upon us.  He is also the only one who can give us an eternal life of joy and happiness and unconditional love.  He created us, he knows us, and all he asks of us is to accept his son Jesus as our personal savior.  Once we accept Jesus, we are guaranteed that one day we will live in complete peace and harmony that far exceeds anything in our dreams.  He is also the one who puts friends and loved ones in our lives so that we will have people who love us and want us to be happy and free from sadness and pain.  Another positive in accepting Jesus as our personal savior is that we are then indwelt with the Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit is there to help bring us peace and help us to feel the love of God within us.  Philippians 4:6-7 tells us we should not worry about anything and to put everything in God’s hands, “Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.  Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.”

Maybe, one of the most disturbing thoughts in the lyrics, is the reference to “come as you are.”  I believe there are some places you can go and no one cares how you look, the status of your clothes, or even perhaps your cleanliness.  There are various entities that truly do reach out to many people that perhaps some churches may reject.  Is it really true that churches are sometimes not the welcoming place you would expect them to be?  If you attend a church today, and I hope that you do, I sincerely hope that your church has its doors open to all.  Just like God accepts us as we are, we should let people come into our church who are seeking help.  Maybe they are wearing ragged clothes, maybe they are unkempt, and maybe they know nothing about Jesus; are they still welcome?  Jesus judges us by our hearts and not our appearance, his arms are open to everyone at all times.  This is reinforced in perhaps one of the most quoted scriptures, John 3:16, “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”   God let his only son die on the cross for us so that we would have a path to heaven.  Once we accept Jesus as our personal savior, our past is gone and forgotten by God.  So if our church is based on the gift of Jesus dying on the cross for all of our iniquities, shouldn’t our churches welcome all who wish to come in?

So, there are perhaps things we don’t want to share with our friends, and that is perfectly fine; but we still need someone we can talk to about everything going on in our lives.  Jesus is there to listen to our words and our inner spirit, to wrap his arms around us, and to love us unconditionally.  Truth be told, there is no one else but him who can truly listen, understand, love, and judge.

When is the last time you took the time to share your heart with Jesus and bared your soul to him?  Let the truth be told.

Click to hear Matthew West sing Truth Be Told

That’s Enough

The next entry for my Blog is That’s Enough, which was written by Brandon Heath, Mallary Hope, and Molly Reed.  It was first released April 22, 2022.  A link to Brandon Heath singing the song is at the bottom of the Blog.

That’s Enough

Mind if I tell you a secret
A few simple truths about me
Might be hard to believe
Guess I’m just trying to come clean

Sometimes I don’t know where I’m going
It’s hard to admit where I’ve been
When I come to the end of myself
This is where I begin, again

I am here
I am loved
God is good
And that’s enough

I don’t know your situation
What kind of story you’re in
If you’re high on that mountain
Or down in the valley again

You might be holding your baby
You might be holding a drink
You might be holding a secret
That’s getting harder to keep

But you are here
You are loved
God is good
And that’s enough

And I am here
I am loved
God is good
And that’s enough

It’s okay if I don’t have the answers
It’s okay to be right where you are
It was patience and kindness and love
That got us this far

You are here
And you are loved
God is good

And I am here
I am loved
God is good
And that’s enough

He is here
He is love
God is good
And that’s enough

How many of us have secrets?  My guess is that all of us have something deep inside of us that we have never shared or have only shared with a select few people.  Sometimes, we just need to share one or more of these closely guarded secrets because they are tearing us apart inside.  People who are close to us and people who are casual acquaintances may know us only by our exterior persona, but they have no idea what we may be struggling with deep inside.  My wife accuses me of hiding things in various vaults in my head, where they can never be found.  With all of this being said, most of us reach a time where we just need to bare our soul regarding some of the things going on in our lives and our past that we have been reluctant to share. 

In this song, I believe the singer has reached the point where he just has to talk to someone, because it is tearing him up on the inside and has been hidden by that façade we many times hide behind.  I believe all of us are in this situation and the time comes where we just need to come clean.  Maybe you invite someone or a few friends to grab a cup or coffee or a drink with you.  As you sit there, you start to explain how you are not the person you appear to be.  The person or people you are talking to have always viewed you as someone who has it all together.  Perhaps you are the one seemingly always loving life, with everything going your way.  Perhaps it is your demeanor, maybe it is how many friends you have, your successful career, how much money you appear to have, or perhaps your perfect family.  As you start to tell your true story, the people with you become speechless as they hear what has really been going on inside of you.  They start to understand that maybe your entire life has been a trainwreck and you have kept it hidden behind a well-developed façade.  Your best friends start hearing about your childhood as part of a broken family, how your marriages have failed, how you are deep in debt, and that your entire life has been a failure.  For you, success has been temporary and fleeting as your inner secrets continue to take over your mind and distract from the life you want to live.  It is almost as if you have been hanging off of a cliff, were able to pull yourself back up; and then start hanging off a different cliff as life beats you down again.  I realize I have painted a picture of gloom and doom, but I truly believe there is a little bit of this in all of us and a lot of this in many of us.  I believe that the people who just heard you bear your soul were handpicked by God for this point of time in your life.

It is in our weakest moments when we turn to the only place where we have unconditional love and this is from God and his son Jesus; he never leaves our side.  In our darkest moments as we reach out to him, he is with us.  He tells us this in Matthew 28:20, “And lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.”  As the singer of this song tells his sad sad story, God stops him and says “I am here”, you are never alone.  Note that God does not say he is there for a period of time, he says he will be there always.  The bible also tells in the book of John 3:16, “that God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son to die for us.”  How much more can someone love you, than to give up their only child for you?  Yes, God is good and he has made sacrifices for us and promises to us that will last for eternity.  God has to remind us sometimes that he is here, that he loves us, and that we will care for us.  With God saying he is with us always and then he gave the life of his son for us, I say that’s enough.

We never know or even completely understand someone else’s story or situation, but I believe everyone has their own personal challenges in life.  All of us probably get on that mountain top from time to time, only to slide back down into the valley; but God is always there with his hand out ready to pick us up yet one more time.  We all have something to hide, maybe it is something associated with your family, maybe you have a problem with drinking or drugs, you can never keep a job, or maybe you just feel as if your entire life is coming unraveled and your secrets are becoming more and more difficult to keep within your façade.  The real question the song seems to ask, is where does God fit into your life?  The answer is to let him into your heart, he is waiting for you to invite him in. Once you allow God into your life, you start to put your trust in him since you should know that he holds the future.  We don’t have to always understand why things have happened to us, but God only focuses on our future; he is not concerned about our past.  Once we accept his son Jesus as our personal savior, our past is forgotten and we become white as snow on the inside.  We may never understand why we have had these challenges in our life, but it is important to understand that God puts the right people by our side at various stages in our life for a purpose.  These are people we can talk to about our burdens and maybe help us to find our way out of the darkness.  He is simply waiting for us to reach out our hand and place it into his and feel his power, his glory, and peace that only he can bring. 

It is really ok not to know all of the answers and God will be with us regardless of where we go in our lives.  The song says it is God’s patience, kindness, and love that has gotten us this far.  God is good, God is here, and that is enough.

Click to Hear Brandon Heath Sing That’s Enough