When He Was on the Cross – Entry #7 of 7

This is the last Blog entry for this song and covers the following lines:

He knew me, yet he loved me
He whose glory makes the heavens shine
So unworthy of such mercy
Yet when he was on the cross
I was on his mind.
Yet when he was on the cross
I was on his mind.

I have often heard the question posed, “do we ever truly know someone?”; and it is a good question to ponder. When we say we know someone, I believe we are basing our opinions on the words, experiences, actions, and emotions of the person that we think we know. Even with all of this knowledge of someone, aren’t we often surprised by something they say or do? I do believe we know the person by an earthly or societal definition, but we really do not know their heart. My view is that we only know what people want us to know. I know that after forty years of marriage, I still do things that are a surprise to my wife.  When the song says “He knew me”, I believe it is referring to Jesus really knowing our heart and being the only one who really knows us.

We may all have something in the deep recesses of our heart that we have never shared with anyone. Maybe it is an action that we took, an action we would like to take, something we want to say, something we did say that we shouldn’t have, a feeling or prejudice we have, and the list goes on. Some of things we are ashamed of and really don’t want others to know about. It doesn’t mean we are bad people, it is just that our lives are never a completely open book. Yet when Jesus looked at the crowd that day and when he looks at us today, he sees all of these thoughts deep inside us. In spite of him knowing our deepest darkest secrets, he still loved the crowd that day and he still loves each of us. The good news is that he died on the cross that day so that our sins would be forgiven, all we have to do is accept him as our Lord and Savior. He doesn’t care who we were or who we are, he only cares about us belonging to him and spending eternity with him. So, despite all of our faults, he still loves us. He accepts us with unconditional forgiveness, and he is the only one who can respond in this manner since he alone can show such mercy. Despite all of the things we have done wrong in our lives and being completely unworthy of being with Christ, he overlooks it all and prepares us a place in eternity with him. Yes, we were unworthy of this mercy he has given us, but he forgave us and loved us anyway.

Jesus is the Light of the World and his love and forgiveness brought light into the spiritually dark world. Through his crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension; Jesus brought a shining light to earth and to heaven. All who accept him will have that spiritual light which will abide with them for eternity. He expects us to carry that light to the world as he carried it for us. The witnesses at the transfiguration were able to see just how bright the spiritual light of Jesus would be in a dark world. The light of Jesus reflects the true glory of the Father. The glory of the Father means absolute truth, complete love, greatness, splendor, and honor. We can see all of this in Christ and we will be part of that glory once we join him in our heavenly home.

The song closes with the chorus sung twice and therefore a strong reminder that regardless of who we are or what we have done, he still loves us and we still are and have always been on his mind.

The first entry for the next song will be posted later this week.

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