Let Them See You in Me

The next entry for my Blog is Let Them See you, which was written by Scotty J Wilbanks and Jason Weeks. The song was initially released in 2006. A link to the JJ Weeks Band performing the song is at the bottom of the Blog.

Let Them See You

Take away the melody
Take away the songs I sing
Take away all the lines
And all the songs you let me write
Does the man I am today
Say the words you need to say

Let them see you, In me
Let them hear you, When I speak
Let them feel you, When I sing
Let them see you
Let them see you in me

Who am I without your praise
Another smile, Another face
Another Breath, A Grain of Sand
Passing quickly through your hand
I give my life, An offering
Take it all, Take everything

Let them see you, In me
Let them hear you, When I speak
Let them feel you, When I sing
Let them see you
Just let them see you in me

With every breath I breathe
I sing a simple melody
But I pray they’ll hear more than a song
In me, In me

Let them see you, In me
Let them hear you, When I speak
Let them feel you, When I sing
Let them see you

Let them see you, In me
Let them hear you, When I speak
Let them feel you, When I sing
Let them see you
Let them see you in me
Let them see you in me

Included in many of my Blog entries is the fact that Jesus commanded us to keep his word and to share his word. Most of us strongly believe in the command to share the word, but it is so difficult for us to follow this command. We worry about offending people, alienating people, maybe being concerned about what others may think of us, and just generally feeling uncomfortable when putting ourselves out there and sharing the word. Don’t get me wrong, I understand the fear we are trying to overcome and I clearly understand the command. I believe this song helps to address this challenge for us by stating that we share in many ways, some of those ways by actions and not just words. Please note that I am not saying we should not execute the commands of Christ, I just believe that words are only part of the command.
The lines of the song could be strictly interpreted as being applied to a song writer, but let’s focus on how we can make each of these applicable to our individual lives. Do people know who you really are, or do they only know the front you have created? Do you realize that most of the people you know don’t really know who you are? We may have a church persona, a work persona, a being with friends persona, and maybe a home persona. We don’t want to be who we really are. What would happen if people saw the true you? All of a sudden, the personas disappear and you are left with only the real you. How will people accept the real you once all of the false fronts have been removed. Will people see you the way you really want to be seen? As the song asks, does the man I am today, say the words you need to say? Maybe a different question to ask is, would people know you are a disciple of Christ by your actions?

It is at this point that we come to the reality of who we really are and perhaps how poorly we have represented our savior and how we have failed his commandment to share his word. Not only have we not verbally shared the gospel, but we have also failed to show others by our actions that we are his child. The chorus of the song should become a challenge and a prayer for us. We need to have others seeing us as being different by the way we act and the actions we take. The words we speak should be words of kindness, compassion, and love as opposed to gossip, complaint, and negativity. When we sing songs of praise, people should be able to tell that we are singing from our heart, not going through the motions. As we change from hiding behind a façade to becoming more of a disciple, we may have people coming to us to find out why we are so different. It is so much easier to share once someone has opened the door for us and invited us in.

If we keep living our lives the way we have been, nothing will change. We really are just another face, another voice, another life with no purpose, and another person who is lost in the world. The way we stop this is to fall to our knees and ask Christ for his strength in becoming the person he wants us to be. He can take us and mold us and put us on the right path; but we have to let go and let him take control. You will see people around you change and a lot of these people will see that you are different and they will become interested in your story and maybe ask you how you keep that song in your heart. Letting go is a challenge for all of us, but can we really become Christ’s disciple if we don’t trust him with our all? You can also become a better spouse, parent, child, and friend; because your actions are guided by the son of God and not dependent upon your situational persona.

Our lives gradually become easier because we are just who we are wherever we are. Let everyone we encounter see Christ in us. It doesn’t mean they will accept us or like us or agree with us; but at least we are acting as a child of God instead of trying to be someone we are not.

I agree that giving our daily life to Christ is not an easy thing to do and it will cause us pain and perhaps loss of acquaintances, but it still much less painful than being nailed to a cross and having your father turn his back on you.

Let today be the day where you give your life to Christ and to live as his disciple. As Joshua 24:15 commands, choose this day who you will serve. Are you ready to drop the facades and pick up the cross?

Click to Hear JJ Weeks Band Perform Let Them See Me

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