Trust in You – Entry #2 of 4

In the Blog entry for today, I would like to perform a deep dive of the chorus in this song.

When You don’t move the mountains
I’m needing You to move
When You don’t part the waters
I wish I could walk through
When You don’t give the answers
As I cry out to You
I will trust, I will trust, I will trust in You

We are told by Jesus that faith can move mountains and I believe that if God wanted to move a physical mountain; he could certainly do it especially since he is the one who created the mountain. In this song, I do not think the writer is referring to a physical mountain. In our lives, the mountains we face are more likely fear, emotion, frustration, desperation, guilt, and loneliness. These are not the mountains created by God, but ones we created by our own actions or actions taken by others; most of these were created by our lack of faith. We do need these mountains removed because they are blocking our way and we don’t see any path around, over, or through the mountain. We know God can move these mountains and we need him to make it happen so we can get on with our lives. Note the writer using the word “When”, which seems to imply we are just waiting on God to make this happen for us.

The song continues by comparing our troubles to the waters that block our path. We probably see these waters as the ocean since we cannot see the other side. The waters were parted for the Israelites and they walked across the dry land where the water was parted, and their enemies disappeared into the water and their escape from bondage was complete. So why not expect God to do the same thing for us? We stand on the shore of the vast ocean of our troubles and just wish he would give us the path to cross and when we get to the other side, our troubles would vanish into the sea. I suppose we are similar to the Israelites in that we just assume our time is over since we have nowhere to go.

The last lament in the chorus is God not giving answers. I often hear people complain that he does not answer their prayers. Maybe we have prayed for something over and over for years and still do not believe we see any results. Is he still listening to us? Why has he forgotten us? Too many times we pray and we also tell God what we want the answer to be. We do not know and understand his plan for us or others; he will answer the prayer in his timing and in accordance with his plan. We know he has an eternal home for us, but he also has a plan for us. He does have answers for us, but maybe the answers are not always heard since they may not be what we wanted to hear, maybe there are more lessons to be learned before the answer is given, or maybe we are asking for our will to be done as opposed to his will being done. This is what trust is all about, it is knowing he will answer.

The end of the chorus is the key to our faith; having mountains moved, having waters parted, and having our prayers answered. We finally reach a point where we come to our knees and realize we must put our complete faith in God, we realize we just can’t do it without him. We don’t merely ask for help, we cry out for help and we put our faith in the hands of God and in his plans for us. I love the fact that the phrase “I will trust” is repeated three times, this is what we need every day.